Tax Management & Estate Planning

Tax Management & Estate Planning

As a holistic financial planning firm we realize, it’s not just what you make and have worked so hard to save… it’s what you keep after all the taxes have been paid.  Having strategies to mitigate income, estate and capital gains taxes are a critical consideration for all your investment advice. Unlike some countries that have a simple flat income tax, the US Tax Code is thousands of pages long. With complexity being greater today than ever, you deserve to have a competent and proactive team working on your behalf. 

We understand most people dislike thinking about taxes, unfortunately that might be the most expensive approach when it comes time for you to write a check to the IRS. At Epiqwest Culver Wealth Advisors, we implement a proactive rather than reactive strategy, considering things like: Account Type Asset Allocation, Roth Conversions, Account Withdrawal Strategies, Tax Loss & Gain Harvesting, Bracket Bumping and more. We are confident that incorporating proper tax planning and management has the potential to add substantial wealth to you and your family over time.

"Not all money is taxed
the same"

At Epiqwest Culver, we offer individualized coordinated tax & retirement planning to help maximize income while paying the least amount of taxes possible.

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